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Equipment & Software for Geophysical Surveys: Design, Manufacture, Support, Supply

Portable single channel setup

Price : on request
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Portable single-channel setup is a perfect solution for seismic crews, focused on shallow ultra-high-resolution marine seismic surveys. The array doesn’t require complicated and sophisticated tools for installation and towing and can be easily placed on a small boat.

Main advantage of the setup is its compact size, portability and ease of use. All this allows to acquire high-quality UHR seismic data even in very shallow water depth with only 2 persons onboard.

Penetration depth of the setup can reach up to 50 meters below the seafloor, providing vertical resolution up to 10 cm. Combination of MultiJack energy source and FWS125 or G-Boomer guarantees extremely high lateral density (up to 3 shots/second) and ultra-high frequency (up to 6kHz) seismic section.

Array includes following equipment:

Setup is ideally suited for surveys on lakes, rivers and in shallow marine environments, among typical applications are:
  • bedrock mapping for engineering purposes (e.g. piers, bridges, terminals)
  • geology mapping for object detection, buried under the seafloor
  • archeology
  • dredging
  • sand searches